Application Received …

Ndapewa an ambitious career woman, came across a job advertisement and responded with an immediate emotional connection to it. She sat down to prepare her application. She diligently followed the instructions as set up on the career website. She successfully loaded her CV and all the requested supporting documents; and a few minutes later she gets this message in her inbox “Thank you, your application has been received and is under review.”

Ndapewa starts day dreaming of what it would be like to be in that position. What sort of change she would bring to that organisation with the skills, knowledge and passion she has. She sits and thinks what it would feel like walking through the doors of that organisation every day. What her new dress code would be like that would resemble her position and attitude towards her assignment.

Does this speak to someone? Am I in someone’s neighbourhood here or is it just Ndapewa and I that gets excited at the prospects of landing our dream jobs?

A few weeks back, I released a blog post on my website entitled “An Invitation to Purpose” and the objective of my article was to entice you to live the life you always dreamt of. To awaken the significant factor within you and get you to realise that YES there is more to life than just what it is right now. That INDEED you have a right to LIVE and not just EXIST. And so, much like our response to a job advertisement – when an invitation to an opportunity for change is announced -you take the necessary steps towards owning this opportunity.

Ndapewa is not just excited about the prospects of a change; moreover, Ndapewa is seeking an opportunity where she can apply her passion and purpose. This was her response to her personal invitation of purpose. So as you start reflecting on your purpose and take steps to responding to your personal invitation of purpose, I am writing to let you know that “Your application has been received and is process.” You see once you take ownership of your existence, a process of a deeper discovery of who you are begins. Moments are created for you to live out the best version of yourself. Opportunities are presented for you to serve your purpose.

As your purpose becomes clearer, feelings of being unqualified and failure may overwhelm you. These are good feelings and acts to confirm that you are on your way. A vision is always bigger than you. The vision will require new strategies and tools; it will require new thinking and new ways of doing things. It will require a new, improved but yet an authentic version of yourself.

As your life’s assignment and message becomes clear – please know that you shall not fail. Please know that you are cut out for the assignment. Please know that there are people, processes, profits and significance attached to your purpose. May you increase in faith, goodness, perseverance and knowledge. And as you possess these qualities in increasing measure it will be impossible for you to be ineffective and unproductive as you now start living your life from the inside out.

Yours in Purpose and Significance,

Melissa Porfirio

P. S. Send an email to to find out more about our “Shaping Significance” One –on-one offer or about our “Reviving Purpose and Passion in the Workshop” workshop.